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Staff Collections
(Organized by Time Period)

The Wars for America
(American Revolution, 1812, Civil War, Indian Wars)

The Great Game to World War I (1700-1929)
(European Wars/Colonialism, Spanish American War, etc)

World War II (1930-1946)
(Pre-War Period to Immediate Post-War Period)

Cold War/World War III (1945-1992)
(Korea, Vietnam, and “WW3”)

Post-Cold War (1993-Present)
(Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc)

Staff Archives
(Highly Dense Collections of Significant Value)

The Big Book of Warfare
(A Reference for Military Things)

The Nafziger Archive
(TO&E and OBATs from 1600s to 1945)

The Military Manual Archive

Characteristics & Designations Archive
(Standard Aircraft Characteristics and other sources of information for planes, tanks and ships)

Digital Reel Archive
(Digitized Microfilm Reels from various sources)

Staff Recreation & Rest
(Non-Military Themed Stuff)

Fictional Universes, etc
(Science Fiction / Alt History Booklists, analyses of movies, etc)

Digital Gaming
(A collection of mods, tips and information)

Technology & Computers
(Computers, Electric Vehicles, etc)

Space Flight
(Apollo-era, what might have been)

Firearms Archive
(Mostly Relating to Firearms Control)